Category: Insights

STRATFI and TACFI Programs Catalyze Funding to Overcome Valley of Death

SpaceWERX Aims to Find, Fund and Field Space Capabilities for the Warfighter  SpaceWERX, the space innovation arm of AFWERX, recently announced the nine recipients of its first funding opportunity specifically tailored to bring space capabilities across the ‘Valley of Death,’ or the difficult transition of scaling a high-potential capability into a formal program of record…. Read more »

Classification Policy Changes to Strengthen Allied Space Partnerships

Combined Space Operations Initiative (CSpO) Spotlights Relevance of Classification in Joint Fight Operations  When Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks signed a memo to initiate changes in the Department of Defense’s (DOD) classification policy for space programs, the move marked a tangible moment in the push to adapt traditional classification policies for a modern space… Read more »

Space Domain Awareness Demands New “Operational Intelligence” Requirement 

The emerging SDA imperative is blurring the lines between two previously distinct responsibilities – intelligence and operations – into a whole new, integrated mission requirement: operational intelligence.  

White Paper Ushers in New Era of Thought Leadership for Space Community 

Elara Nova is leveraging its platform to advocate for modernizing the SCN, setting an industry-leading precedent for thought leadership with its inaugural White Paper, “Time for a New Approach with the Satellite Control Network.”

Adversaries’ Launch Cadence Highlights Need for Assured Access to Space 

Escalating launch cadences represent the operational imperative to maintain “Assured Access to Space,” (AATS), that has been a trademark of the United State’s space superiority for the past several decades. 

National Defense Industrial Strategy to Lay Foundation for ‘Integrated Deterrence’ 

The DOD has set out a new National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) to rejuvenate the defense industrial base and maintain its strategic military advantage. 

Space Forces Are Now a Key Element of the Joint Fight 

The Department of Defense’s (DOD) newest military service is solidifying its role in bringing space-based capabilities to the Joint Fight after being identified as the “Integrator” for Joint Space Requirements, as described in the 2023 Comprehensive Strategy for the Space Force. 

Commercial Launch, Proliferation Creates Investment Opportunities in Ancillary Space Markets

New business opportunities are quickly emerging as a commercial launch market enables cheaper access to space and the Department of Defense (DoD) shifts toward a proliferation of assets across the next warfighting domain.

Rapid Resilient Command and Control to Enable Dynamic Space Operations

Ground systems connect with satellites

The Space Rapid Capabilities Office (SpRCO) and Space Systems Command are coming together to create a new, software-based ground system, called Rapid Resilient Command and Control (R2C2).

Dynamic Space Operations: A Requirement for Joint Operations

While the capacity to maneuver is not new as a warfighting concept, Parallax Rising 2.2 reflects how the Space Force is adjusting its operations approach based on an increasingly congested and hostile space domain.