Category: Insights

Quantum Technologies to Reinforce Position, Navigation and Timing Capability 

3D rendering of GPS satellite orbiting Earth

Chinese Advancements Raise Stakes for Faster Adoption of Quantum Sensors  China’s advancements in quantum technology have triggered a call-to-action for the United States to accelerate their own investments in quantum research and development. According to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Critical Technology Tracker, China surpassed the United States in published quantum research in 2021. China’s… Read more »

Defense Civilian Training Corps, Certificate Programs Emerge to Develop Space Workforce

Academic Institutions Prepare to Meet Space Force’s Accelerating Human Capital Needs Ms. Katharine Kelley, the Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Human Capital with the United States Space Force, recently announced the military’s newest service was engaged in a pilot program called the Defense Civilian Training Corps (DCTC). While similar to the Reserve Officer Training… Read more »

Defense Science Board Offers Commercial Pathway to Integrated Deterrence

Study Recognizes the Value of Commercial Space Systems in Military Requirements  In November of 2022, the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering commissioned the Defense Science Board (DSB) to study commercial space systems and how they can be leveraged in support of Department of Defense (DOD) objectives. As the Federal Advisory Committee to… Read more »

2024 Election Presents Promise and Peril for PPBE Reform to Deliver Space Superiority 

Incoming Administration Must Implement Commission’s Recommendations, or Risk Losing Great Power Competition  China’s rapid rise in adopting and deploying innovative technologies has sparked a new “Great Power Competition,” particularly in the space domain. Meanwhile, the budgetary process the Department of Defense (DOD) uses to acquire military capabilities – Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) –… Read more »

Space Force, DOD Initiate New Partnerships to Enhance Mission Readiness

Integrated Mission Deltas, Inter-agency Agreements Extend Readiness Across Time Horizons In the spirit of the United States Space Force’s Line of Effort #3 – Partner to Win, Chief of Space Operations General B. Chance Saltzman announced last year the Space Force was creating “Integrated Mission Deltas,” or IMDs, a new organizational structure designed to integrate… Read more »

STRATFI and TACFI Programs Catalyze Funding to Overcome Valley of Death

SpaceWERX Aims to Find, Fund and Field Space Capabilities for the Warfighter  SpaceWERX, the space innovation arm of AFWERX, recently announced the nine recipients of its first funding opportunity specifically tailored to bring space capabilities across the ‘Valley of Death,’ or the difficult transition of scaling a high-potential capability into a formal program of record…. Read more »

Classification Policy Changes to Strengthen Allied Space Partnerships

Combined Space Operations Initiative (CSpO) Spotlights Relevance of Classification in Joint Fight Operations  When Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks signed a memo to initiate changes in the Department of Defense’s (DOD) classification policy for space programs, the move marked a tangible moment in the push to adapt traditional classification policies for a modern space… Read more »

Space Domain Awareness Demands New “Operational Intelligence” Requirement 

The emerging SDA imperative is blurring the lines between two previously distinct responsibilities – intelligence and operations – into a whole new, integrated mission requirement: operational intelligence.  

White Paper Ushers in New Era of Thought Leadership for Space Community 

Elara Nova is leveraging its platform to advocate for modernizing the SCN, setting an industry-leading precedent for thought leadership with its inaugural White Paper, “Time for a New Approach with the Satellite Control Network.”

Adversaries’ Launch Cadence Highlights Need for Assured Access to Space 

Escalating launch cadences represent the operational imperative to maintain “Assured Access to Space,” (AATS), that has been a trademark of the United State’s space superiority for the past several decades.